Emily Holy

Position Title
PhD student

  • Biomedical Engineering

Emily obtained her B.S. in Psychology and Neuroscience at University of California Davis in June 2021. As an undergrad, she was an assistant lab manager who studied how visual information is represented in the brain in Dr. Steve Luck's Laboratory for Basic and Translational Cognitive Neuroscience. After graduating, she worked in the FAN lab, under Dr. Audrey Fan, where she investigated biomarkers in Alzheimer's disease via kinetic modeling with whole body dynamic EXPLORER PET. She then decided to return to school with the aim of integrating and expanding her neuropsychological background with an engineering focus in health. Now she is a Ph.D. student in the biomedical engineering department, co-mentored by Prof. Guobao Wang in Radiology. Her current research leverages novel imaging techniques to link brain health to liver function in the context of neurodegenerative disease.

Outside of lab, Emily enjoys hiking, running, snowboarding, and painting.